Monday, May 21, 2007

This was my Saturday.....

..And most enjoyable too (if a tad nerve-wracking)

Spent the train Journey back up to town listening to some Dirty Vegas mix CD action, and trying to finish off "Mother London" By Michael Moorcock. It's a wonderful book, essential for anyone in love with the city, anyone who sees life in London as inexorably linked to the lives and dreams of its past inhabitants. The whole tome of the prose seems to be almost psychedelic, lots of free association and scatter gun shards of random certain points, it spirals into what feels like a literary acid trip; as ideas pile on top of each other, smothering some, giving birth to others. The only downside to all this restless creativity is that it's hard to grasp the story as it squirms out from under your grasp....

I'd almost forgotten it was the same Moorcock who'd worked with Hawkwind (getting a snide reference from Alternative TV along the way-mp3 in the middle of the text) suddenly it's all making a lot of sense.....

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